Updated on 2008-12-24 for 1.7.2 release.
No update for 1.7.3 release.Attention for those which use Vista (thanks to Julien for the link).
If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer under Windows XP SP2 or later and you are going to download in CHM format, you should « unblock » the file after downloading it, by right-clicking on it and selecting the properties menu item. Then click on the ’Unblock’ button. Failing to do this may lead to errors in the visualization of the file, due to a Microsoft bug.
| | PDF | CHM |
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The chm’s don’t seem to work on german vista x64. I checked with 3 machines.
I had two issues and associated resolutions at the top of this page. Could you check with them?
Merci pour ce boulot formidable!!
J’ai mis en ligne les PDF anglais & français sur calameo.com, ils peuvent ainsi être consultés en ligne facilement, j’espère que ça ne te pose pas de problème! (sinon un mail et je les retire).
j’essaierai de veiller à les maintenir à jour!
FR: http://fr.calameo.com/books/0000000396a59f0ffe2ec
EN: http://en.calameo.com/books/00000003995df24dae2c9
Thanks, really great job.
Problems in russian documentation
## # ###### ####-
####, ## ### ## ##-
##### ### #######-
###### ###-#######
### ######## #####-
There may be reasons
1 Not work latin1. Work utf8
2 Cyrillic font need
Thank You
Windows 32 cp1251